Allina Keep It Moving Video Series

Check out the YouTube links below.

[Sharing the] “Keep it Moving video” series Allina Health Orthopedics did this spring/summer with the MNUFC. Our providers and team physicians partnered with players to film 4 indoor soccer exercise videos all targeted around getting kids moving when they were inside during quarantine. The first two are for a younger audience and the latter two for older kids and are focused on injury prevention & recovery; however, in general, all 4 videos have great exercises for all ages. Take a look, and share with others as you see fit. Let’s keep our kiddos moving!

MNUFC x Allina Keep it Moving Video Series:

Younger Audience(Elementary School age)

Older Audience (Middle & High school age)


Nicki Klanderud, MAOL

ManagerCommunity EngagementCambridge Medical Center, part of Allina Health

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Posted in News & Events.