At Your Wits’ End: Regaining Equilibrium as a Parent and Family Caregiver
Join October’s VA Caregiver Support Line (CSL) call for At Your Wits’ End: Regaining Equilibrium as a Parent and Family Caregiver. Calls will be held on the following dates and times:
• Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 10 a.m. ET
• Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 7 p.m. ET
• Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at 3 p.m. ET
Caregivers must register to join the CSL monthly education call. To register, call 1-855-260-3274. Caregivers unable to attend the calls can access presentations on the CSL’s webpage.
For more information about future calls, visit CSP’s Events page.
We look forward to you attending one of our events.
Reach out to your Caregiver Support Team
Every VA facility has a CSP team providing support and service referrals. They provide valuable information about resources to help you stay informed and supported as you care for your Veteran. Contact your CSP team to learn about more events happening in your local area
VA Caregiver Support Line 800-260-3274
Veterans Health Administration · 810 Vermont Avenue, NW · Washington, DC 20420 · 877-222-VETS (877-222-8387)