Regional Prevention Information and Updates

A lot of great information, training, and resources from the Regional Prevention Coordinator. Please feel free to share this information with anyone who may be interested. Trainings/Webinars Strength in Connection: Fostering Belonging for Youth and Communities – Tuesday, October 1, 10:00a – 11:30a. FREE. Virtual. If you are unable to attend ‘live’ and would like […]

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Baby Blues? Learn about Postpartum Depression

How is postpartum depression different from “baby blues”? “Baby blues” is a term used to describe mild and short-lasting mood changes and feelings of worry, unhappiness, and exhaustion that many women experience in the first 2 weeks after giving birth. Babies require around-the-clock care, so it’s normal for new mothers to feel tired or overwhelmed […]

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Suicide Bereavement Support Group Facilitator Training

April 5 – 6, 2024 Adult Focused Suicide Bereavement Support Group Facilitator Training About the Training The AFSP Facilitator Training Program offers suicide prevention organizers a way to create and facilitate a community support group for suicide loss survivors in the aftermath of a suicide. This course is offered as a two-day training of up […]

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Keep Going. You are Worth it!

Life is a journey, not a race. If you feel like quitting, stop, take a deep breath, maybe take a break, and get ready to go back at it. Here are some good habits to help you stay on track.* Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can help boost your mood […]

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Reduce Stress – Take a Mental Health Break

It can be helpful to take mini breaks throughout the day. This can help manage general stress and potentially even increase productivity. Just take a few minutes to detach from the pressures of work or school and your expectations throughout the day. Here are some tips to help you get started with self-care: ✅Eat a […]

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Workshops for Caregivers

Workshops for Caregivers Knowledge, Skills and Tools to achieve a balanced lifestyle First Thursday of the month from 1:00-2:30 pm at the Princeton Civic Center Caregiver Essentials | Thursday, November 2 Understand the impact of providing care for an older adult Help create balance Become aware of community resources Caregiving Through the Holidays | Thursday, […]

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Slowing down racing thoughts

5 simple ways for calming and refocusing when anxious or negative thoughts surge through your mind. Anxiety and anxiety disorder is the most common mental health issue affecting 40 million adults in the US. About half of adults with depression also have anxiety issues. Anxiety and anxiety disorders come in many forms and can be […]

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Mental Health Minute: Depression

    Transcript: >> NARRATOR: Got 60 seconds? Take a mental health minute to learn about depression disorders. They cause symptoms that affect how you feel…How you think…And how you handle daily life. Depression should be treated by health professionals. Don’t try to handle it alone or treat it with alcohol or illegal drugs. Treatments […]

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Managing and Reducing Anxiety

Anxiety Disorders Around 40 million Americans live with an anxiety disorder, which is more than the occasional worry or fear. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. For many, anxiety symptoms are temporary and end when worrisome events are over or with better […]

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