From Wellness in the Woods
Celebrate You – Aging Gracefully May 20, 2021
About this Event
Bringing together people who are aging gracefully to connect and learn virtually.
Date And Time: Mark your Calendar!
Thu, May 20, 2021 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM CDT
Bob Koehler has spent years studying major life transitions. He has also read a significant number of books, attended conferences and workshops, and through hundreds of hours reviewing studies and research on retirement, aging, re-defining purpose, and value and lessons learned from those who have traveled this path before him. He has also interviewed a number of recent and soon-to-be retirees to get their perspective on what they thought retirement meant and if they felt prepared for it.
In time he realized that the transition to retirement, or as he likes to call it, post-career life can be a huge life adjustment. He found that some will coast right into it and find ways to redefine their purpose and passion, but many will not, and as a result their health and quality of life will be challenged greatly.
Bob decided that this was his new calling, preparing others for this great new journey of post-career life.
Wellness in the Woods was started with a vision to foster and embrace acceptance of all life experiences. Jode Freyholtz-London, the founder has numerous lived experiences with emotional illness and trauma. Her vocational background and those on her staff will hold all persons with unconditional high regard. The organization will advocate for mental, financial, spiritual, physical, social, intellectual, vocational and environmental wellness services across rural Minnesota
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