Crisis Help Line Local Mobile & Phone Help Serving East Central MN Call 800 523-3333 Text “MN” to 741741 Or call or text 988 Call for emergency assistance if you or someone you care about is experiencing a crisis involving: › thoughts of wanting to harm self or others |
For Mental Health Emergencies call 988. If you are in an immediate life-threatening situation, go to the nearest hospital emergency room or call 911.*
East Central Crisis Services
ECCS provides local mobile or phone assistance to Chisago County, Isanti County, Kanabec County, Pine County, Mille Lacs County, and Mille Lacs Band Of Objiwe residents who are experiencing a mental health crisis.
Mobile Crisis Response
Local short-term assessment, intervention, and stabilization services are available in your home, at school, or in the community by calling 800 523-3333.
Crisis Phone Line
To reach trained crisis counselors by phone, call 800 523-3333.
To reach trained crisis counselors via text message, text the word “MN” to 741741.
Fee Determination
- Crisis services are covered by many private insurance plans.
- No one is turned away for inability to pay.
Call 988 – Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
*Calling 911? Learn about Travis’ Law
Travis’ Law requires 911 dispatchers to deflect mental health crisis calls directly to or offer assistance from local mental health crisis teams. Click here for full info on Travis’ Law >