NAMI Family to Family Online Course
Learn about mental illnesses, the brain, treatment, and resources to help a loved one living with a mental illness. Attendees will also build communication skills, reduce stress, find support and discover the common Stages of Emotional Responses when supporting someone with a mental illness.
Class starts May 4, 2020.
This workshop meets weekly for two and a half hours for 8 weeks, and is for family and friends of an adult living with a mental illness. We offer several Family to Family classes in various locations in Minnesota twice per year in the fall and winter/spring. The classes have a cap of 25 participants. You may join up to the 2nd week only, then the class is closed.
For more information or to register contact Doug at 612-310-5707.
The next class will be online for 8 weeks. Mondays, 6:30-9:00 PM starting May 4, 2020.
Note: You will need
- a smart phone(with camera),
- or a tablet (with camera and high speed internet connection),
- or a laptop/desktop (PC or Apple OK) with a high speed connection
- And the Zoom application, it is Free
- Any questions about the hardware Call Doug @ 612.310.5707
- Share on Facebook and other social media
- Forward this email to friends and family
- At work, let your co-workers, and maybe HR department, know about the class
- Put a poster up at church-oops that doesn’t work right now– maybe get a notice in your church bulletin
- Note: we had a person participate from Arizona last fall online- so you don’t have to be in MN
- Note: almost all NAMI classes are free including this one
Also there are additional online classes, visit: