Please be advised that in response to contain the coronavirus, the Region 7E AMHI Regional LAC (Local Advisory Council) Meeting on Monday, March 23, 2020 is cancelled. At this time, we expect to hold the May 18, 2020 Regional LAC Meeting but will keep you informed as we get closer to that date.
Please access the following websites for information that may be helpful as we all navigate through these stressful times.
How can you help?
Learn about what to say…

Crisis Help Call 988
Text “MN’ to 751741
Calls in East Central Minnesota are routed to local mobile or local phone help.
Click here for additional information
In a life threatening situation or medical emergency, call your doctor or 911.
Just need to talk?
Wellness in the Woods 5:pm – 9:am Daily 844-739-6369
Minnesota NAMI Warmline 4:pm – 8:pm Thur – Sun 888-334-7754
Mental Health Advocacy Minnesota Warmline 5:pm-10:pm Mon – Sat 877-404-3190