Mar. 9, 2022 Mental Health First Aid Basics, Recovering Hope

Learning over lunch March 9, 2022
Join us for our monthly Learning Over Lunch on Wednesday, March 9th. Patti Miller, Mental Health First Aid Trainer, and Regional Suicide Prevention Coordinator will be discussing the basics of Mental Health First Aid, how to take action when someone is in crisis and identify resources available in the community. Please register for this event HERE.

How can you help?
Learn about what to say…

Crisis Help Call 988

Text “MN’ to 751741

Calls in East Central Minnesota are routed to local mobile or local phone help.
Click here for additional information
In a life threatening situation or medical emergency, call your doctor or 911.

Just need to talk?
Wellness in the Woods 5:pm – 9:am Daily 844-739-6369
Minnesota NAMI Warmline 4:pm – 8:pm Thur – Sun 888-334-7754
Mental Health Advocacy Minnesota Warmline 5:pm-10:pm Mon – Sat 877-404-3190

Posted in News & Events.