The Community Conversations Innovation Teams are reconvening on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 from 1:30-3:30pm for all those who attended the Conversations AND for all people in our region interested in joining our efforts in:
- Removing the Stigma of Mental Illness, and in
- Mental Illness Education and Awareness
All community members encouraged and are welcome to join us.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Isanti County Family Services, Conference Room A
1700 East Rum River Drive South
Cambridge MN 55008
Attending this meeting will bring you current with the status of programs and projects we are working on and how you can get involved in the teams. Join us as we work together to build a community where families and individuals living with a mental illness feel supported and have the opportunity to live up to their potential.
- Summary of the Community Conversations
- Removing Stigma and Education Team Updates
- Break out into teams: Removing Stigma and Education
- Report back from teams
- Next Steps
We look forward to seeing you.
For questions email Natalie: nmatthewson@resourcecoop-mn.gov