Mental Health Resource guides available!

We are excited to announce that the large Resource Guide has been completed.

The booklet is posted to the below so you can download an electronic version, if you wish. Throughout the year, edited versions will be uploaded to the website so you’ll always have access to the most current information we have for the providers included in the booklet. Just look for the “last update date” on the last page to see if you have the most current version.

The booklet was created for use primarily by Regional Service Providers, whereas the pocket Resource Guide was created for use by individuals as a quick reference

Thanks to our community Innovation Team for all their hard work and assistance with putting together the guide! Community members love-love the guides and find them very helpful to have on hand.
Welia Health & Cambridge Medical Center both sent us the same message, “WE LOVE THAT GUIDE!!!”

Below are links to the full guide and the pocket guide to view, save, or print. If you need printed guides sent to your organization please use the form below. Please be aware that we are working on updated versions of the guide.

Click on the links below to view, print, or save the full size or pocket size resources guide.

R7E Adult Mental Health Guide Rev-080323 PDF

Resource Guide Pocket-size REVISED 030124

Order printed versions of the Region 7E Adult Mental Health Resource Guide below:

How can you help?
Learn about what to say…

Crisis Help Call 988

Text “MN’ to 751741

Calls in East Central Minnesota are routed to local mobile or local phone help.
Click here for additional information
In a life threatening situation or medical emergency, call your doctor or 911.

Just need to talk?
Wellness in the Woods 5:pm – 9:am Daily 844-739-6369
Minnesota NAMI Warmline 4:pm – 8:pm Thur – Sun 888-334-7754
Mental Health Advocacy Minnesota Warmline 5:pm-10:pm Mon – Sat 877-404-3190

Posted in News & Events.