When people think of trauma and the military what comes to mind is the effect of being in combat. However, there are numerous other experiences that can lead to trauma-related disorders that affect not only the person who served, but his/her loved ones.
Veterans, Service Members, Their Families & Trauma
A three-hour workshop for treatment providers
June 24, 2022 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Recovering Hope Treatment Center
Community Room | 2031 Rowland Road, Mora, Minnesota 55051t
Topics to be covered:
- Dealing with the questions, “Did you serve, and did you see combat?”
- How the culture of the military affects the identification, disclosure, and treatment of trauma-related symptoms.
- Common mental disorders related traumatic experiences that are not diagnosed as stressor-related disorders.
- Ways to normalize trauma-related symptoms.
- The differences between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Specified Trauma and Stressor-related Disorder.
- The differences between P.T.S.D. and moral injury.
- How family members are affected by trauma- related symptoms.
- The use of inventories in the identification and treatment of trauma-related symptoms.
This activity is pending approval from the Minnesota Board of Behavioral Health and Therapy for 3 hours of continuing education for LPC, LPCC and LADC licensure.
Dr. Mic Hunter is the author of numerous books, including Honor Betrayed: Sexual Abuse In America’s Military. He has presented workshops throughout America as well as other countries. He has been on the staff of several substance abuse programs and mental health centers. Currently he has a psychotherapy practice, does examinations for veterans seeking disability benefits connected to their service, and is a member of the Veteran Resilience Project where he provides E.M.D.R. treatment. Copies of some of his books will be available for sale on site. Dr. Hunter is registered to take therapy referrals from Veterans Resilience Project.
Click on the following link to view print or save the event flyer:
MicHunter_Event 6.24.2022
Hosted by Recovering Hope. Funding for this project is sponsored by a grant received by Kanabec County Veteran Services from Pokegama Lake Association