Weekly Mindfulness Calendar

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Here’s a great resource tool designed & sponsored by the East Central Innovation Team, 2024.
Summer is a perfect time to get started with good mental health habits! Sun’s out, weather’s great, vacation time, time to chill and take care of yourself!

Sunday Funday:

  • Take a walk and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
  • Look for your favorite color in nature.
  • Dance in the rain.
  • Play a board game with your friends or family.
  • Plan and prepare for the coming week, you’ll thank yourself in the future.

Motivation Monday:

  • Create a Positive Thoughts & Actions journal. Make it colorful.
  • Compliment yourself.
  • Add your compliment to your Positive Thoughts & Actions Journal.
  • Read other compliments you’ve given yourself.
  • Whatever it is, you can do it!


  • Send a homemade card or note to a person you are grateful for; tell them why you are grateful for them.
  • Create a social media post for a person you are grateful for.
  • Take a few minutes and do nothing, then write down two things you are grateful for.

Wellness Wednesday:

Thinking Thursday:

  • What is something you want to do but are afraid to try? Ask yourself why you feel that way.
  • Do one small thing toward making it happen. Build on that accomplishment next week.
  • Keep today’s accomplishments in your Positive Thoughts & Actions Journal.

Feel-Good Friday:

  • Write a list of things that will make you happy.
    Include these self-care categories:

    • Physical
    • Emotional
    • Social
    • Spiritual
    • Personal
    • Home
    • Financial
    • Work or School
  • Do one thing every day that makes you happy.

Saturday Matter Day:

  • Talk a little nicer to yourself today.
  • You are worthy!
  • If you’re going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill
  • There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
  • Remember: Things take time, and that’s okay.
  • You are not alone.
  • You are strong.

Click here to download, print, or share the Mindfulness Calendar PDF

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Learn about what to say…

Crisis Help Call 988

Text “MN’ to 751741

Calls in East Central Minnesota are routed to local mobile or local phone help.
Click here for additional information
In a life threatening situation or medical emergency, call your doctor or 911.

Just need to talk?
Wellness in the Woods 5:pm – 9:am Daily 844-739-6369
Minnesota NAMI Warmline 4:pm – 8:pm Thur – Sun 888-334-7754
Mental Health Advocacy Minnesota Warmline 5:pm-10:pm Mon – Sat 877-404-3190

Posted in Adult Mental Health Posters, Help a Friend or Family, Innovation-teams, Learning, News & Events, Prevention, Recovery, Resources, Self Care, Things to do.