Here’s a great resource tool designed & sponsored by the East Central Innovation Team, 2024.
Summer is a perfect time to get started with good mental health habits! Sun’s out, weather’s great, vacation time, time to chill and take care of yourself!
Sunday Funday:
- Take a walk and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.
- Look for your favorite color in nature.
- Dance in the rain.
- Play a board game with your friends or family.
- Plan and prepare for the coming week, you’ll thank yourself in the future.
Motivation Monday:
- Create a Positive Thoughts & Actions journal. Make it colorful.
- Compliment yourself.
- Add your compliment to your Positive Thoughts & Actions Journal.
- Read other compliments you’ve given yourself.
- Whatever it is, you can do it!
- Send a homemade card or note to a person you are grateful for; tell them why you are grateful for them.
- Create a social media post for a person you are grateful for.
- Take a few minutes and do nothing, then write down two things you are grateful for.
Wellness Wednesday:
- Do breathing exercises: slowly inhale through your nose to the count of five and exhale through your mouth to a count of seven. Repeat for up to 10 minutes.
Thinking Thursday:
- What is something you want to do but are afraid to try? Ask yourself why you feel that way.
- Do one small thing toward making it happen. Build on that accomplishment next week.
- Keep today’s accomplishments in your Positive Thoughts & Actions Journal.
Feel-Good Friday:
- Write a list of things that will make you happy.
Include these self-care categories:- Physical
- Emotional
- Social
- Spiritual
- Personal
- Home
- Financial
- Work or School
- Do one thing every day that makes you happy.
Saturday Matter Day:
- Talk a little nicer to yourself today.
- You are worthy!
- If you’re going through hell, keep going. ~Winston Churchill
- There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
- Remember: Things take time, and that’s okay.
- You are not alone.
- You are strong.
Click here to download, print, or share the Mindfulness Calendar PDF