Workshop for family & friends of people with mental health conditions

NAMI Family-to-Family Workshop

For family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions  
September 9,2019 through November 25, 2019
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Christ the King Catholic Church Parish Hall
315 Fern St. N., Cambridge, MN 55008
NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 12-session educational program for family, significant others and friends of people with mental health conditions. It is a designated evidenced-based program. This means that research shows that the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition.
NAMI Family-to-Family is taught by NAMI-trained family members who have been there, and includes presentations, discussions and interactive exercises.
What You’ll Gain
NAMI Family-to-Family not only provides information and strategies for taking care of the person you love, but you’ll also find out that you’re not alone. Recovery is a journey, and there is hope. The group setting of NAMI Family-to-Family provides mutual support and shared positive impact-experience compassion and reinforcement from people who understand your situation. Sharing your own experience may help others in your class. In the program, you’ll learn about:
  • How to solve problems and communicate effectively
  • Taking care of yourself and managing your stress
  • Supporting your loved one with compassion
  • Finding and using local supports and services
  • Up-to-date information on mental health conditions and how they affect the brain
  • How to handle a crisis
  • Current treatments and therapies
  • The impact of mental health conditions on the entire family

Learn about mental illnesses, the brain, treatment, and resources to help a loved one living with a mental illness. Attendees will also build communication skills, reduce stress, find support, and discover the common stages of emotional responses when supporting someone with a mental illness.

This workshop meets weekly for 2 1/2 hours for 12 weeks and is for family and friends of an adult living with a mental illness.

The class is being held September 9 thru November 25, 2019 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM at Christ the King Catholic Church Parish Hall 315 Fern St. N., Cambridge, MN 55008

Free but registration required.
Please contact Doug at (612)310-5707
Or Sandee at (763)689-8684

How can you help?
Learn about what to say…

Crisis Help Call 988

Text “MN’ to 751741

Calls in East Central Minnesota are routed to local mobile or local phone help.
Click here for additional information
In a life threatening situation or medical emergency, call your doctor or 911.

Just need to talk?
Wellness in the Woods 5:pm – 9:am Daily 844-739-6369
Minnesota NAMI Warmline 4:pm – 8:pm Thur – Sun 888-334-7754
Mental Health Advocacy Minnesota Warmline 5:pm-10:pm Mon – Sat 877-404-3190

Posted in News & Events.