Mental Health Day on the Hill 2025
We are so excited you are interested in joining us at the Mental Health Day on the Hill on Thursday, February 20th in Saint Paul. Our theme this year is From Crisis to Recovery: A Path Forward for Mental Health
A welcome and policy briefing will be held on Thursday, February 20th at 10:00 AM at the National Guard Armory (600 Cedar Street, Saint Paul), where you’ll hear an overview of current mental health policy and funding issues. Then, at 1:30 PM we will hold a rally in the Capitol rotunda, where you’ll hear from legislators and advocates and make your voice heard!
You will also have a chance to meet with your legislators and share why mental health policies are important to you. Please sign up in advance so we can schedule a meeting for you. Never met with your legislator before? No worries! We’ll help you set up the appointment and train you on how to talk about current issues.
This sign-up form is due by January 30th, 2025. If you don’t submit it by then, we still welcome you to attend! There will likely still be room for you on a bus if you need it, but we cannot guarantee that we can provide you with transportation to the Capitol or arrange a meeting with your representatives if you sign up after Jan. 30. There will still be many ways to advocate for a mental healthcare system. Please sign up anyway. We will call and email you if the bus has already been filled and you will need to arrange separate transportation.
Questions? Email Sarah at
Click to Sign Up!